#parijatak vata dosha test
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Vata dosha is one of the three doshas in the body which causes anxiety, constipation, insomnia, arthritis, chronic pain and Parkinson’s disease along with some other ailments. For the best Vata dosha treatment in Nagpur, visit Parijatak hospital. The ayurvedic treatment provided for Vata dosha related problems in this hospital is excellent. The doctors are known for their superior knowledge of Ayurveda and their empathetic approach towards patients.
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Vata Dosha Treatment in Nagpur | Vata Ayurveda Type | Parijatak

Get all the information on the Vata Dosha treatment in Nagpur for greater health and happiness at Parijatak Ayurvda Pvt Ltd.
Feel Free to Contact Us :
Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com
Phone No.: +91-9209107777
E-mail Us : [email protected]
Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
#vata dosha Treatment in Nagpur#parijatak vata dosha test#ayurveda vata dosha test#Vata dosha test in Nagpur#vata dosha treatment
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Vata Dosha Treatment in Nagpur | Vata Ayurveda Type | Parijatak
Get all the information on the Vata Dosha treatment in Nagpur for greater health and happiness at Parijatak Ayurvda Pvt Ltd.
Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com
Phone No.: +91-9209107777
E-mail Us : [email protected]
Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
#vata dosha Treatment in Nagpur#parijatak vata dosha test#ayurveda vata dosha test#Vata dosha test in nagpur
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The doshas derive from the Five Elements and their related properties. Vata is composed of Space and Air, Pitta of Fire and Water, and Kapha of Earth and Water.
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Joint pain Relief Center In Nagpur
Parijatak Ayurveda –
joint pain relief center in Nagpur
Ayurveda Join Pain Treatment Center India, Joint pains affect people all over the globe. Knee problems considered as normal after a certain age. All knee problems are not always a product of aging bones. Instead, it can result from
knee injuries
. The nature of the pain depends on the underlying cause. Patients often report a dull pain in and around the knee or sharp pains in either of the knee. This can really immobilize you if not taken care of. The side effects of this globally dreaded condition range from mild achy joints to stiff fingers, bone erosion to immobilization. Conventional medicine has not really been fully effective in treating arthritis or its symptoms. A lot of people has turned to the science of Ayurveda to find impressive results from non-medical knee joint pain treatment.Knee Pain Treatment in IndiaThere are two kinds of joint problems in Ayurveda. The first one, vatadosha is a disorder that evolves out of an imbalanced Vata or the central controller of the mind and body. Poor circulation, digestion, and metabolism are some of the major symptoms of vatadosha. Another cause of painful joints is poor orthopedic health that can be contributed by both low nourishment and arthritis.

A simple Ayurvedic knee pain treatment in Nagpur, India
that has worked wonders for many is oil massage. The masters use lukewarm coconut oil to massage the affected knees. This works up the blood flow to the joints and relieves the areas from pain. Recommended ones are chingati satva and Parijatak leaf juice. A combination of Milk and turmeric is another Ayurvedic potion that works spot-on for knee pains. Also, you can use dalchini and saunth as home remedies.Knee Joint Pain Treatment in AyurvedaAyurveda has a holistic approach towards healing. In joint pains, Ayurveda recommends people to take up a healthy lifestyle and dietary habit to counter bone degeneration. More than any particular nutrient, specialists recommend inclusion of all kinds of tastes in the diet because it helps. In addition to that, you should increase your intake of organic milk for the required calcium supply. Add to the current portion of vegetables by introducing kale, root veggies, kale, asparagus and such.So, while an Ayurvedic clinic like Parijatak might put you on a diet. Additional therapies are also carried out to support the regime. Oil massage using fat-hen is one of the very effective Knee joint pain treatment methods. Sporadic application of fenugreek paste is another treatment. Anointing the affected joint with coconut oil and massaging periodically helps in relieving pain and promoting blood flow to the particular joint. Tests Advised:
X-ray of knee joint
CT scan
Blood tests-CBC, ESR
Uric Acid
RA factor
CRP, Vit Biz, Vit D, Serum Calcium
Clinical Tests are – HLA B27, ANA
Bone Mass Density
Parijatak’s Treatment for Knee Pain
Sweden – Hot formation with medicated steam facilities the movements of the joint special knee joint. It also reduces the pain & stiffness. After swedan, the cells get activated & flush the toxins away from the body. The cellular metabolism improves and rejuvenates the knee joints.

There are many types of Swedan
Nadi sweda – when pain is limited to a part of body or single knee joint then it is used. It is carried out by boiling of drugs like rasna , eranda, dhashmula etc.
Pinda sweda – the bolus of churna or partra are formed & then heated over pan or dipped in boiled decoction and apply over affected part of knee joint by gentle rubbing. The churna or patra used in this treatment had analgesic & antinflammtory properties.
JanuDhara – The medicated decoction or oil poured over the affected parts of knee joint in a stream along with gentle massage & stroke. This is very effective in vata, pitta & rakta dushti. It provides strength to muscles & tendons.
Janu vasti – The medicated oil is poured into the pool like structure for a fixed duration of time over the knee joint. knee pain treatment in Nagpur causes the oleation of a knee joint. It reduces pain and swelling of the knee joint.
Pichu – the sterile gauze is dipped into medicated oil & kept for some period of time over an affected area. This provides nourishment to bones muscles, tissue & knee joint. It will prevent the further degeneration of knee joints. It helps in the healing of cartilage.
Njavarakizhi – giving treatment by boluses njavara medicine with the decoction of balamul to give the strength to knee joint to reduce the vata and increasing the stability of knee joint.
Njavaratepa – is medicinal fomentation with njavara instantly applied and removed to increase nercvous strength for the knee joint.
joint pain relief center in Nagpur
Lepanam – Application of medication paste over the affected knee joint. The paste is allowed to stay for some period of time. Hot or worm application of lepa done.The lepanam had anti-inflammatory and anti-analgesic property.
Elakizhi – The boluses of medicinal herbs for increasing circulation, reducing vata & strenthen with alignments of the knee joint. knee pain treatment in Nagpur.
Podikizhi – The boluses of dry choornas of medicinal herbs for reduces vata and amasanchiti ( toxins ) of a knee joint.
Jalukavacharan – Application of leech over the affected area. Leech suck the impure blood and secrets the enzymes into the body through saliva causes a reduction in pain and inflammation of the knee joint.
Basti – basti is the best treatment for vata dosha. Medicated oil & medicated decoction strengthen the joints & soft tissue, rejuvenates the tissue & eliminates the toxins from body hence healing mechanism occurred faster in the body.
Virechana – elimination of doshas through purgation. It pacifies the pitta, kapha & Vata doshas.
Abhyantar chikita (Internal Medicines )– like abhyantar Sneha pan means administration of medicated ghee or oil causes internal operation of a body. The ghee used are-
Mahatikta Ghrut
Dashmula Ghrut
Amrutadi Ghrut
shatavari ghrutam
amrutha guggul
guggul tikta kashayam
mahayograj guggul
trayodashang Guggulu etc . lots of medicines are there to work on knee joint in different condition according to chronicity and acuteness and dosha condition according to Nadi of the patient.
Best back of knee pain ayurvedic treatment Nagpur
Ghee or oil pacify the ruksha ( dry) & khara ( rough) guna of vata.
Shaman chikitsa – The medicines like kaishor guggul, yograj guggul , mahayograj guggul , dashmul kwath ,rasna saptak kwath, ammrutadi guggul, yogendraras,bruhat vatchintamani, etc used for internal use.
This variety of treatment give results in any condition of the patient up to the age of 95 yrs old patient, I had already treated from the age of 20 yrs to the age of 95 yrs thousands of patient successfully. Parijatak has successfully cured many of the patients of knee pain and has won praises from its effective therapies.
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The cause of infertility may be difficult to determine but may include inadequate levels of certain hormones in both men and women, and trouble with ovulation in women.
Overcome the Problem- Get Male Infertility Treatment With Parijatak’s Ayurvedic Therapy
Nowadays infertility is a big problem. The main reason behind this problem is the sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, and a stressful life. For about one in five infertile couples, the problem lies solely in the male partner. Lack of good quality Shukra dhatu causes Male Fertility Test Center Nagpur in an individual.
A man’s fertility depends on two factors –
The quantity
The quality of his sperm
Known Causes of Male Infertility
Sperm production problems which can be due to chromosomal or genetic causes, undescended testes (failure of the testes to descend at birth), infections, torsion (twisting of the testis in the scrotum). varicocele (varicose veins of the testes), medicines and chemicals, radiation damage
Blockage of sperm transport due to infections, prostate-related problems, the absence of vas deferens, or even vasectomy
Sexual problems (erection and ejaculation problems) which can cause retrograde and premature ejaculation, failure of ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, infrequent intercourse. These may be resulting from spinal cord injury, prostate surgery, any damage to nerves or use of some medicines.
Hormonal problems which can be caused by pituitary tumors, congenital lack of LH/FSH (pituitary problem from birth), or even anabolic (androgenic) steroid abuse.
Sperm antibodies resulting from vasectomy, injury or infection in the epididymis or any unknown cause.
The Factors
The factors to be taken care of are:
The volume of semen.
Sperm count – oligospermia, azoospermia, necrospermia.
Motility of sperm.
Structural defects of sperms – Due to vitiated vata dosha.
Any obstruction in the genital tract.
Erectile dysfunction.
Ayurvedic Aspect of Male Infertility
Ativyavayat – Over Sexual Activity
Vyayamat – Overexertion. It includes both physical and mental exertion
Avaya at – Over-relaxation, laziness or spending very leisure life.
Asatmyanam cha servant –Excess intake of spicy, salted, sour, frozen foods, foods. Routine habits like sleeping very late at night, hectic lifestyle lead to disparity of Rakta and Pitta Dosha, ultimately causing Shukra kshaya
Akale – It means at an inappropriate time; i.e. before desirable age specifically before age of 16 in females and 18 in that of males, or beyond the age of 65-70 where the body faces generalized debility. Another aspect explains having intercourse very frequently and many times (5-6 times) in a day also leads to debility of Shukra dhatu.
Ayonau – It includes Masturbation, oral or anal sex etc.
Maithunam Na Cha Gachataha – Suppression of sexual urge.
Narinam Arasaudnyata – Having intercourse with an undesirable partner
Other causes are fear, stress, sorrow, tight clothing, working in a hot environment for a long duration.
Smoking and alcohol consumption significantly affect virility in males.
Long-term Exposure to radiation
Trauma to the genital organs, generalized debility, muscle weakness and stress can result in erectile dysfunction.
Treating Male Infertility
Lifestyle modification and food habits need to be changed. This is the main solution for reducing male infertility.
Treatment includes:
Shodhan chikitsa i.e. cleaning ness of the body from toxins and vitiated doshas.
Vaman in Kapha dushti, Virechan in Pitta dushti and Basti in case of Vata dushti.
Panchakarma therapies like Abhyanga (whole body massage), Shirodhara, Nasya provide good support to physical and mental health.
Medicines like Gokshur, Guduchi, Triphala, etc.shows good result in obstructive pathology and infection.
Uttar Basti treatment is beneficial in cases of obstructive pathologies, it as well strengthens the muscles of the urinary tract and reproductive system.
Rejuvenation therapy uniform the body externally as well as internally. It enhances body vitiality and body strength.
Medicines like Chyawanprash, Musali paak, Rasayan vati, Kandarpa paak, Kushmand avleha is use for this purpose.
Aphrodisiac Therapies are of 3 types:
Sperm generating or enhancing sperm count.
Those which helps in ejaculation of seminal fluid.
Medicines which serve both the above purpose.
Herbal Remedies for Male Infertility
Medicines like Shatavari, Nagbala, Bala, Musali, Ashwagandha, Milk, Ghee, Haritaki, Amla, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Shatavari Kalpa plays an essential role in improving count of efficient sperms.
Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens), Vidari, Gokshur, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Bruhati phala, medicinal preparations like Vrushya vati, Shilajatu, Vanari kalpa cures problems related to semen ejaculation. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) is considered the most important rejuvenative tonic for women Use Shatavari-kalpa. Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) is a proven medicine for increasing the sperm count in the patients of oligospermia and defective sperm formation.
‘Vrishavati’ is a safe, non-hormonal aphrodisiac formulation. It is useful in male infertility due to Oligospermia and low sperm motility, impotence, loss of libido and other reproductive disorders. The ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Kavachbeej help to improve sexual functions, quality, and quantity of semen.
All the above-mentioned medicines can be used in powder form, or for superior results they should be used in the form of medicated milk or ghee because revitalization of cells is an integral part of the treatment.
Yoga for Fertility
Regular exercise and yoga also provide good health of body and mind
Exercises like padmasan, pool bandha to strengthen and optimize the functionality of the desired organs
Padmasana (Lotus pose asan): It increases blood flow to the perineum. It directs prana to the lower two chakras which are responsible for sexual functions. By just contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor greatly enhances the circulation to the reproductive system.
Maintaining Fertility
‘Bruhana Dravya’- enhances the shukra dhatu by enhancing all the seven dhatus.
‘Vrishya Dravya’ – enhances the reproductive tissue i.e shukra dhatu
Bringhana Dravya-
Vrishya Dravya- Milk , milk-date shake, milk-mango shake, and rice pudding
Spices such as ajwain powder, cumin (which purifies the uterus in women and the genito-urinary tract in men), turmeric (to improve the interaction between hormones and targeted tissues), and black cumin, fenugreek, garlic, onion, and licorice are said to invigorate the reproductive organs.
Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds
Dairy proteins, including milk, cream, ghee, lassi, and panir (a fresh cheese made of milk)
Sweet, juicy fruits such as mangoes, peaches, plums, and pears
Dried fruits such as dates, figs, and raisins
Herbs like Ashoka (Saraca indica), Aamla (Emblica oficinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), etc., are age-old proven rejuvenators.
The generic preparations like Chyavanprashavaleha, Brahmi Ghrita, and Agatsya Haritaki Avaleha are prescribed for the gain and maintenance of the strength and vigor.
Caution: Do not take licorice or fenugreek if you suspect you may be pregnant or after becoming pregnant.
Parijatak is one of the best infertility hospitals in Nagpur which aims to cure Erectile Dysfunction Treatments and all other male and female infertility problems. Fertility Tests are conducted prior to medication, which takes up both male fertility test and female fertility test. Following the fertility tests for men and women, the experts help with proper counseling and medication. If you want help on how to cure infertility related problems naturally and permanently, visit Parijatak Ayurveda and talk to the experts here.
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Overcome the Problem- Get Male Infertility Treatment With Parijatak’s Ayurvedic Therapy
Get Male Infertility Treatment at Parijatak
Nowadays infertility is a big problem. The main reason behind this problem is the sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, and a stressful life. For about one in five infertile couples, the problem lies solely in the male partner. Lack of good quality Shukra dhatu causes Male Fertility Test Center Nagpur in an individual.
A man’s fertility depends on two factors –
The quantity
The quality of his sperm
Known Causes of Male Infertility
Sperm production problems which can be due to chromosomal or genetic causes, undescended testes (failure of the testes to descend at birth), infections, torsion (twisting of the testis in the scrotum). varicocele (varicose veins of the testes), medicines and chemicals, radiation damage
Blockage of sperm transport due to infections, prostate-related problems, the absence of vas deferens, or even vasectomy
Sexual problems (erection and ejaculation problems) which can cause retrograde and premature ejaculation, failure of ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, infrequent intercourse. These may be resulting from spinal cord injury, prostate surgery, any damage to nerves or use of some medicines.
Hormonal problems which can be caused by pituitary tumors, congenital lack of LH/FSH (pituitary problem from birth), or even anabolic (androgenic) steroid abuse.
Sperm antibodies resulting from vasectomy, injury or infection in the epididymis or any unknown cause.
The Factors
The factors to be taken care of are:
The volume of semen.
Sperm count – oligospermia, azoospermia, necrospermia.
Motility of sperm.
Structural defects of sperms – Due to vitiated Vata Dosha.
Any obstruction in the genital tract.
Erectile dysfunction.
Ayurvedic Aspect of Male Infertility
Ativyavayat – Over Sexual Activity
Vyayamat – Overexertion. It includes both physical and mental exertion
Avaya at – Over-relaxation, laziness or spending very leisure life.
Asatmyanam cha servant –Excess intake of spicy, salted, sour, frozen foods, foods. Routine habits like sleeping very late at night, hectic lifestyle lead to disparity of Rakta and Pitta Dosha, ultimately causing Shukra kshaya
Akale – It means at an inappropriate time; i.e. before desirable age specifically before age of 16 in females and 18 in that of males, or beyond the age of 65-70 where the body faces generalized debility. Another aspect explains having intercourse very frequently and many times (5-6 times) in a day also leads to debility of Shukra dhatu.
Anau – It includes Masturbation, oral or anal sex etc.
Maithunam Na Cha Gachataha – Suppression of sexual urge.
Nariman Arasaudnyata – Having intercourse with an undesirable partner
Other causes are fear, stress, sorrow, tight clothing, working in a hot environment for a long duration.
Smoking and alcohol consumption significantly affect virility in males.
Long-term Exposure to radiation
Trauma to the genital organs, generalized debility, muscle weakness and stress can result in erectile dysfunction.
Treating Male Infertility
Lifestyle modification and food habits need to be changed. This is the main solution for reducing male infertility.
Treatment includes:
Shodhan chikitsa i.e. cleaning ness of the body from toxins and vitiated doshas.
Vaman in Kapha dushti, Virechan in Pitta dushti and Basti in case of Vata dushti.
Panchakarma therapies like Abhyanga (whole body massage), Shirodhara, Nasya provide good support to physical and mental health.
Medicines like Gokshur, Guduchi, Triphala, etc.shows good result in obstructive pathology and infection.
Uttar Basti treatment is beneficial in cases of obstructive pathologies, it as well strengthens the muscles of the urinary tract and reproductive system.

Rejuvenation therapy uniforms the body externally as well as internally. It enhances body vitality and body strength.
Medicines like Chyawanprash, Musali peak, Rasayan vati, Kandarpa peak, Kushmand avleha is used for this purpose.
Aphrodisiac Therapies are of 3 types:
Sperm generating or enhancing sperm count.
Those which helps in ejaculation of seminal fluid.
Medicines which serve both the above purpose.
Herbal Remedies for Male Infertility
Medicines like Shatavari, Nagbala, Bala, Musali, Ashwagandha, Milk, Ghee, Haritaki, Amla, Yastimadhu, Pippali, Shatavari Kalpa plays an essential role in improving count of efficient sperms.
Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens), Vidari, Gokshur, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Bruhati phyla, medicinal preparations like Vrushya vati, Shilajatu, Vanari kalpa cures problems related to semen ejaculation. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) is considered the most important rejuvenating tonic for women Use Shatavari-kalpa. Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) is a proven medicine for increasing the sperm count in the patients of oligospermia and defective sperm formation.
‘Vrishavati’ is a safe, non-hormonal aphrodisiac formulation. It is useful in male infertility due to Oligospermia and low sperm motility, impotence, loss of libido and other reproductive disorders. The ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Kavachbeej help to improve sexual functions, quality, and quantity of semen.
All the above-mentioned medicines can be used in powder form, or for superior results they should be used in the form of medicated milk or ghee because revitalization of cells is an integral part of the treatment.
Yoga for Fertility
Regular exercise and yoga also provide good health of body and mind
Exercises like padmasan, pool bandha to strengthen and optimize the functionality of the desired organs
Padmasana (Lotus pose can): It increases blood flow to the perineum. It directs prana to the lower two chakras which are responsible for sexual functions. By just contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor greatly enhances the circulation to the reproductive system.
Maintaining Fertility
‘Bruhana Dravya’- enhances the Shukra dhatu by enhancing all the seven dhatus.
‘Vrishya Dravya’ – enhances the reproductive tissue i.e Shukra dhatu
Bringhana Dravya-
Vrishya Dravya- Milk, milk-date shake, milk-mango shake, and rice pudding
Spices such as ajwain powder, cumin (which purifies the uterus in women and the genito-urinary tract in men), turmeric (to improve the interaction between hormones and targeted tissues), and black cumin, fenugreek, garlic, onion, and licorice are said to invigorate the reproductive organs.
Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds
Dairy proteins, including milk, cream, ghee, lassi, and panir (a fresh cheese made of milk)
Sweet, juicy fruits such as mangoes, peaches, plums, and pears
Dried fruits such as dates, figs, and raisins
Herbs like Ashoka (Saraca indica), Aamla (Emblica Officinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), etc., are age-old proven rejuvenators.
The generic preparations like Chyavanprashavaleha, Brahmi Ghrita, and Agatsya Haritaki Avaleha are prescribed for the gain and maintenance of the strength and vigor.

Caution: Do not take licorice or fenugreek if you suspect you may be pregnant or after becoming pregnant.
Parijatak is one of the best infertility hospitals in Nagpur which aims to cure Erectile Dysfunction Treatments and all other male and female infertility problems. Fertility Tests are conducted prior to medication, which takes up both male fertility test and female fertility test. Following the fertility tests for men and women, the experts help with proper counseling and medication. If you want help on how to cure infertility related problems naturally and permanently, visit Parijatak Ayurveda and talk to the experts here.
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Know About Vata Dosha And Why It Is Very Important For Human Body And Mind

There are three Doshas in Ayurveda which answers all your physical and mental problems: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The doshas are nothing but biological energy found throughout the human body and mind. They provide an individual blueprint for health and fulfilment to every human, by governing all physical and mental processes. If a person is sick and would like to receive medical Ayurveda treatment. The dosha constitution determined by a Parijatak Vata dosha test will immediately help to live a healthier life and be able to do more for the wellbeing.
What is Vata Dosha?

Since vats have been derived from the elements of Space and Air and translate as “wind” or “that which moves things” it is also called as the “King of the Doshas”. It observes the body’s greater life force and gives motion to Pitta and Kapha
From controlling blood flow or elimination of wastes to breathing and the movement of thoughts across the mind Vata Dosha controls all movement in the mind and body.
Vata is also considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic Principles in the body. According to Ayurveda it’s very important to keep Vata in check. The Vata dosha consists of the elements of space. For a harmonious living environment, it is necessary to have all the elements in balance.
Balanced Vata is individual is active, creative, and gifted with a natural ability to express and communicate similarly the wind in balance provides movement and expression to the natural world. When the wind in a Vata type rages like a hurricane, negative qualities quickly overshadow these positive attributes. Ayurveda Vata Dosha test shows some common signs of Vata imbalance include anxiety and bodily disorders related to dryness, such as dry skin and constipation.
The qualities of Vata are dry, subtle, light, rough, cold, and mobile. A Vata individual will display physical and mental characteristics that reflect these qualities in both a balanced and an imbalanced state.
Types of Vata:
To best understand the Vata Dosha in terms of its components parts one should understand its sub doshas, which are the five types of Vata or five types of movement.
Every sub dosha defines a direction of movement and governs specific actions in the human body.
Prana Vayu:
It represents the force that draws sensory experience. Prana Vayu can be defined as the force of attraction and has a magnetic nature. Prana Vayu resides in the head and heart (chest) where desire dwells, choices are made, and sensory experience is processed. When it is healthy, it will keep your health and well-being check. However, When prana Vayu is out of balance, you main misuse your senses and bring inside of that which will cause disease.
Samana Vayu:
Samana Vayu is the force of absorption pulls the impression you are drawn to toward the centre of our being. For instance, Samana Vayu carries nutrients from the intestines into the circulatory system, and the sensations of things you touch are carried from the skin to the central nervous system.
Vyana Vayu:
Vyana Vayu acts upon the impression once absorbed. That is the force that circulates the response, moving it from the centre toward the periphery. In a human digestive system, blood carries the nutrients throughout the body so that each cell receives its proper supply. In the nervous system, a signal is sent from the central nervous system toward a muscle or organ.
Udana Vayu:
It is responsible for action and expression, which means putting the energy received to work. Vata dosha test in Nagpur makes sure that the nerves instruct muscles and organs to act properly.
Apana Vayu:
Apana Vayu is accountable for cleaning up the waste. It eliminates waste primarily through the functions of urination, defecation, and menstruation. It is responsible for all the descending flowing energy of the body and as such is also responsible for the energy needed for carrying the child out of the womb.
Vata Literally means to blow or move like the wind. The principal force of motion in the body and mind. If it is healthy, the movements of the body are graceful, unimpeded, and yet controlled. When the Vata Dosha is out of balance, the movements become erratic, excessive, decreased, or blocked.
The main locations of Vata in the body are the thighs, bones, joints, colon, brain, ears, skin and nerve tissues. Psychologically, it also governs communication, creativity, flexibility, and quickness of thought.
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Pitta Dosha Treatment in Nagpur | Pitta Ayurveda Type | Parijatak

Get all the information on the Pitta Dosha Treatment in Nagpur for greater health and happiness at Parijatak Ayurvda Pvt Ltd.
Feel Free to Contact Us :
Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com
Phone No.: +91-9209107777
E-mail Us : [email protected]
Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
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Body Dosha Test in Nagpur | Ayurveda Doshas - Parijatak

The doshas derive from the Five Elements and their related properties. Vata is composed of Space and Air, Pitta of Fire and Water, and Kapha of Earth and Water.
Feel Free to Contact Us :
Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com
Phone No.: +91-9209107777
E-mail Us : [email protected]
Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
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Kapha Dosha Treatment in Nagpur | Kapha ayurveda Type | Parijatak

Get all the information on the Kapha Dosha Treatment in Nagpur for greater health and happiness at Parijatak Ayurvda Pvt Ltd.
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Pitta Dosha Treatment in Nagpur | Pitta Ayurveda Type | Parijatak

Get all the information on the Pitta Dosha Treatment in Nagpur for greater health and happiness at Parijatak Ayurvda Pvt Ltd.
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Phone No.: +91-9209107777
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Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
#pitta dosha treatment in Nagpur#parijatak pitta dosha test#pitta dosha#ayurveda pitta dosha test#vata pitta kapha test#pitta dosha treatment
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Every Thing You Need To Know About Pitta Dosha and How To Balance It

Ayurveda is an ancient and world’s most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems. It is a science of life which offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vibrant and healthy. One of the most foundational concepts in the tradition of Ayurveda is Doshas. Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha, and Kapha Dosha are three types of Doshas, each of these are essential to your physiology in some way. Doshas are energetic forces of nature, functional principles that helps you to better understand yourself, and the world around you.
What Is Pitta Dosha:

Derived from the elements of Fire and Water Pitta can be translated as “that which cooks.” In living organisms, pitta is largely liquid, which is why water is its secondary element.
Pitta is neither mobile nor stable but spreads—much as the warmth of a fire permeates its surroundings, or as water flows in the direction dictated by the terrain.
The Pitta Dosha is closely related to intelligence, understanding, and the digestion of foods, thoughts, emotions, and experiences; it governs nutrition and metabolism, body temperature, and the light of understanding.
You can take Parijatak pitta dosha test to see the balancing of your Pitta.
Following are some tips you can apply to balance Pitta.
Add foods that are naturally sweet, bitter, and astringent in your diet.
Avoid hot temperatures and food. Keep your body temperature cool.
Favour cool, dry foods, heavy and sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.
Make a balance of whole, freshly cooked foods and fresh, raw foods try reducing pungent, sour, salty tastes and warm, oily and light foods.
Start taking cooling herbs and spices such as coriander, cilantro, fennel and cardamom.
If you digest then opt for dairy, however, avoid drinking milk with your meals. It is ideal to have it at least an hour before or after other food.
A moderate amount of high-quality olive, sunflower and coconut oils or ghee is helpful in your daily diet.

Routine times for your meals
Take a deep breath after swallowing your last bite and heading off for your next activity.
Eat your meal in a peaceful environment.
Go for Ayurveda pitta dosha test if you see below symptoms:
Red, inflamed rash, acne, cold sores
Acute inflammation in body or joints
Acid reflux, gastric or peptic ulcers, heartburn
Nausea or discomfort upon missing meals
Loose stools
The uncomfortable feeling of heat in the body
Frustration, anger, irritability
Judgment, impatience, criticism, intolerance
Red, inflamed or light-sensitive eyes
Excessive perfectionist tendencies
Pitta Dosha can be balanced by a diet of fresh, whole foods. Pitta is relatively substantive in nature; however, an appropriate diet is a very effective way to support a return to balance.
You can bless with a joyful disposition, a sharp intellect, and tremendous courage and drive with balanced Pitta. As the fire of the mind and body becomes unruly, however, the laughing Pitta quickly becomes the yelling Pitta. Anger, rage, and ego replace Pitta’s positive attributes, leaving an individual who is bitter with life and overbearing towards others. Expert says imbalanced Pitta individuals don’t go to hell; they simply create it wherever they go! Imbalances Pitta commonly manifests in the body as infection, inflammation, rashes, ulcers, heartburn, and fever.
Pitta ayurvedic diet aids in cleansing the body of all the harmful and toxic waste material and regularizing the bowel movements for a happy and healthy gut. If you do so on a regular basis this will calm your body and allow it to function properly.
Fresh fruits and vegetables work best to control Pitta dosha. Fruits that are sweet to taste and slightly astringent helps in Pitta Dosha. When picking Pitta pacifying foods, it is important to distinguish between the tastes as anything sweet can work in your favour, although a fruit or vegetable that is bitter to taste can work against your body.
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Get all the information on the Vata Dosha treatment in Nagpur for greater health and happiness at Parijatak Ayurvda Pvt Ltd.
Feel Free to Contact Us :
Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com
Phone No.: +91-9209107777
E-mail Us : [email protected]
Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
#vata dosha Treatment in Nagpur#parijatak vata dosha test#ayurveda vata dosha test#Vata dosha test in Nagpur
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Body Dosha Test in Nagpur | Ayurveda Doshas - Parijatak
The doshas derive from the Five Elements and their related properties. Vata is composed of Space and Air, Pitta of Fire and Water, and Kapha of Earth and Water.
Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com
Phone No.: +91-9209107777
E-mail Us : [email protected]
Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
#Ayurvedic dosha test center#Body dosha test in Nagpur#ayurveda dosha test#ayurveda test#ayurveda doshas#dosha test in parijatak
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Body Dosha Test in Nagpur | Ayurveda Doshas - Parijatak
The doshas derive from the Five Elements and their related properties. Vata is composed of Space and Air, Pitta of Fire and Water, and Kapha of Earth and Water.
Feel Free to Contact Us :
Visit Our Website : www.parijatak.com
Phone No.: +91-9209107777
E-mail Us : [email protected]
Address : 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden, Nagpur-440010(INDIA)
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